日本財団 図書館


3.2 Measures to improve ability related to management
It is very important for each organization to secure maintenance expenses. Following measures will be examined and considered.
a) The possibility of securing from national budget;
b) The possibility of securing private funds such as that of the oil industriy, etc.


3.3 Measures to improve ability related to operation
In order to utilize the equipment and marterials effectively, implemention of education and training for a wide variety of people on the utilization of the equipment and materials corresponding with the actual situation of the locality, and preparation of operation manuals will be examined and considered.


3.4 Measures to improve ability related to technique
In order to maintain the equipment and materials in the state that they can be used at any time, implementation of basic technical guidance and education / training conducted by specialists will be examined and concidered.


3.5 Measures for mutural support among OSPAR-related countries
In order to smoothly accomplish international cooperative activities, the posibility of establishing of a system for reciprocal distribution and use of the equipment and mterials, and of executing joint exercises will be examined and considered.


4. Japan's position


The general understanding is that the providing of equipment and materials through OSPAR project has been completed, and that primarily the operation and maintenance of the equipment and materials should be carried out through the independent efforts of the countries concerned.
However, it is necessary that the efforts to improve ability regarding the operation and maintenance are examined and considered with each country's cooperation, and Japan also intends to participate actively in this examination and consideration.
Furthermore, if a conclusion is reached that some program is necessary in order to carry out these efforts, Japan is ready to consider what Japan could assist something.




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